We created F.O.L.A. [AKL] as a haven for those subversive, dirty, playful, humorous and above all daring artists who make life so much better by being in the world. Neoliberal and capitalist structures have been notoriously poor at creating space for Live Art and artists in general. F.O.L.A. [AKL] is here to change that.
Live Art is typically practiced in Aotearoa by Artists who dwell in the most potent of political intersections (feminist, Queer and BIPOC). It is not surprising then, that this work has been underrepresented in the western-colonial-capitalist regime within which we live in today. But the most accurate picture of living in Aotearoa comes straight through the eyes of these very artists and we want to share that with the world.
F.O.L.A. [AKL] is about building a community of artists and safeguarding their artform, livelihoods and legacies by creating new models within which they can flourish. We have heard clearly from our community over the past two years that what is needed are alternative models that centre care for artists. So apart from innovative content, the festival is led through care, responsibility and responsiveness to uphold Aotearoa’s most forward thinking artists.
We acknowledge the inspirations behind F.O.L.A. [AKL], pioneering festivals like EDWA, TinyFest, The Performance Arcade and PAWA, overseas peeps like Buzzcut, Tempting Failure, Forest Fringe and Liveworks. Festivals created in opposition to the limitations of mainstream arts spaces.
But F.O.L.A. [AKL] is also our excuse to throw a big goddamn beautiful party. Because while it’s been a relief not to wear pants for the past two years, life is just so much sexier when we’re together. So get your flirt on because F.O.L.A [AKL] features a thrilling program of 30+ artists over 10 full length shows as well as a full free public program.
Nisha Madhan & Julia Croft
Co-Artistic Directors
The Team
Nisha Madhan
Julia Croft
Hannah Moore
Nahyeon Lee